Jungle summer style

I am in love with the Hollywood jungle style, not bright colored prints, but “I’m going into the jungle” style (Hollywood’s interpretation at least). It always consists of a tank top, button down shirt (with rolled up sleeves), and khakis shorts. I’m not going to lie, I wear this combination a lot. When I was pregnant, I wore the button down/ tank top combo a lot. It was great because I only had to buy a couple $5 maternity tank tops from Walmart, and then could just wear my button downs open and didn’t have to spend a fortune on clothes that I was only going to wear a couple months of my life. That’s a side note, this post is putting together my favorites to mimic the “I’m having an adventure in the jungle that will be hard but I will eventually come through because I’m a bad bitch.”

Ahhh. Laura Dern, the original jungle bad bitch. She knew dinosaurs, she knew botany, she knew how to escape the raptors and when the hell to get off an island.
Journey to the Center of the Earth is such a fun movie. You probably wouldn’t be surprised I liked the Dora the Explorer movie also… They could have gone the Laura Dern route and made the outfit not quite so tight, but still, great outfit.
Oh look, Dora’s mom is wearing a button down with a tank top underneath. Will this style ever get old? I think not.

Fishing/Hiking/Outdoor Shirt // Tank Top // Khakis Shorts // Boots (Keen gives insane discounts for military, teachers, government employees, nurses and first responders. Make sure you check that out!) // Belt // Watch (because an Apple watch isn’t going to cut it in the jungle)

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